Tony is a PhD student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Center for Computational Science and Engineering. His research is focused on Bayesian inference and probabilistic machine learning. Tony earned a BEng in electrical and computer engineering from American University of Beirut, Lebanon and an SM in computational science and engineering from MIT.
Tony Tohme
Mechanical Engineering is a PhD student in nuclear science engineering whose research focuses on light-matter interaction and topological materials. Specifically, he uses coherent light (lasers) to manipulate the properties of materials and using materials to generate, detect, and manipulate light. He has also demonstrated that topological materials can have outstanding optical properties. He uses MATLAB for numerical modeling, including integration, optimization, and partial differential equations, to test ideas and/or obtain results easily, with far fewer lines of code, significantly accelerating his research. He also uses MATLAB to write code requiring large scale matrices, as well as visualization. Haowei earned a BS in physics from Peking University, China.
Haowei Xu
Nuclear Science and Engineering is a PhD student in biological engineering focusing on the development of a new bottom-up synthetic biology strategy for understanding how 3D genome organization regulates genome function. He is applying super-resolution microscopy to study the dynamics of chromatin looping in live cells and uses MATLAB for image segmentation and analysis. In recent work, using MATLAB SimBiology, he developed a synthetic genetic circuit, the Equalizer, that reduces the cell-to-cell variation of expression from plasmids close to that of a cell line, in which there is no gene copy number variation. Jin earned a BS in bioengineering from Rice University.
Jin (Harvey) Yang
Biological Engineering PhD student in aeronautics and astronautics, Yiyun is working on the application of plasma science to aerospace engineering. Her research is on dielectric barrier discharge actuators for flow and combustion modification. Recently, Yiyun has focused on the plasma aspects of the problem, building a 1D model of the discharge and analyzing experimental results in MATLAB. She earned a BS in mechanical engineering from Purdue University and an SM in aerospace engineering from MIT.