
- Do humans emit radiation?
- How did life on Earth begin?
- Is sleep necessary?
- Why do our bodies make boogers?
- Must all organisms age and die?
- What is the impact of follow-through in golf?
- Can medical prostheses advance further, and what are their potential risks?
- How could biotechnology affect sports in the future?
- If I have a high risk of cancer, can my genes be modified to avoid it?
- How do glucometers work?
- Why do we sweat more in high humidity?
- How are thoughts measured?
- What are thoughts made of?
- Is it possible to control someone’s thoughts?
- Could I put a computer chip in my brain to make me smarter?
- How do doctors detect cancer in the human body?
- Why don’t we get cancer of the hair or the fingernails?
- Why do I have to take some medications every four hours but others only once a day?
- What makes nerve gas so dangerous?
- Why can’t machines — or humans — sniff out drugs or explosives as well as dogs?
- Can hearts, livers, and kidneys be grown in the lab for human transplants?
- Why does our hair turn gray — as opposed to green or some other color — as we age?
- How does a random group of molecules form a thinking, breathing human?
- How do medicines know where in the body to start working?