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Solid-State Learning
When Jeffrey Grossman teaches solid-state chemistry, he keeps it moving. His shoes click across the front of the lecture hall floor w...
Facts and Figures
MIT has a thing for data. We just love it. The details are below, but in broad strokes: The MIT School of Engineering is home to eigh...
A hands-on class responds to Covid
When Professor Stefanie Mueller needed to adapt her laboratory class to the Covid-19 pandemic, she was initially overwhelmed by the a...
Decoding Language Barriers
“Learning a new language gives you a window into someone else’s world,” says Virginia Adams, who graduated from MIT this past M...
Magical Bob
As a child, Institute Professor Robert S. Langer was captivated by the “magic” of the chemical reactions in a toy chemistry set. ...
Taking The Engine for a Test Drive
Innovators, investors, and entrepreneurs worldwide are waiting on news of the first companies chosen to be part of The Engine. Founde...


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