Max Olender
Max is a postdoctoral associate at MIT’s Institute of Medical Engineering Science and a member of the Edelman Lab(Harvard-MIT Biomedical Engineering Center). His research is focused on advancing computational models representing diseased coronary arteries to accurately reflect the specific biomechanics of a given patient. Models of coronary arteries have previously been developed, but lack the detailed input data necessary to robustly characterize and represent the systems and to confidently address important questions. Max’s goal is to overcome existing barriers by employing a priori knowledge of arterial geometry and image acquisition procedure, as well as strategic engineering assumptions, toe xtract greater geometric and constitutive information from optical coherence tomography imaging, the highest-resolution modality available clinically. He has used the MATLAB programming environment to build, execute, and analyze his central algorithms, allowing him to construct models from in vivo geometry and morphology ascertained with high resolution. Max earned an MSE in biomedical engineering and a BSE in mechanical engineering, both from the University of Michigan and a PhD in mechanical engineering from MIT.