Lauren Clarke
Lauren Clarke is a PhD candidate whose research focuses on electrochemical methods for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and concentration, with the goal of mitigating emissions during the transition to a carbon-constrained, renewable-energy economy. Electrochemical approaches may enable lower energy CO2 separations than current processes, as well as direct integration of renewables, modular deployment, and safer operation. A MathWorks Fellowship will enable Lauren to explore the processes that control the performance and cost of electrochemical separation strategies for post-combustion capture, a carbon-neutral application, and direct air capture, a carbon- negative application. Her objectives include developing electrochemical cells for CO2 separation and capture, building models to identify favorable combinations of sorbent properties and device characteristics, and assessing the role of resistive losses in electrochemical CO2 separation systems. Lauren’s work, which makes extensive use of MathWorks tools, has the potential to provide valuable insights into electrochemical CO2 capture processes, which may drive innovation in discovery science and technology and could be applicable to other electrochemically driven separation processes in sustainable manufacturing.