
Hyeonseok Kim

Hyeonseok Kim is a PhD candidate whose research interests are focused on in-space manufacturing of nanosatellite (CubeSat) hardware, with the goal of delivering innovative, lower-cost technologies to democratize access to space. Specifically, he is addressing the challenge that a majority of CubeSats have no means of propulsion, which greatly limits their capabilities. Supported by a MathWorks Fellowship, Hyeonseok will expand his work on 3D-printed electrospray thrusters for CubeSats that are compatible with in-space manufacturing and could be the first of their kind shown to work uniformly. These space engines harness electrohydrodynamic phenomena to eject propellant droplets at a high speed, producing thrust. A key element of his project is the development of novel microfluidics for uniform flow distribution, delivering uniform flow across all emitters against fabrication errors and dynamic outlet conditions caused by non-uniform electric fields and interfacial effects. MATLAB is essential to his design, optimization, analysis, and data visualization. Hyeonseok’s work has the potential to offer key insights into the basic physics of electrospray propulsion and unlock significant new potential for CubeSats in space exploration and research.



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