
Andrea M. Henshall

Andrea Henshall, a retired major in the United States Air Force, is a doctoral candidate whose research focuses on multiagent reinforcement learning for search and rescue. Her overall goal is to advance new algorithms for tactics. As a MathWorks Fellow, she seeks to develop algorithms in a multifidelity learning framework and undertake real-world experiments in a model-free manner using extended reality environments for robotic vehicles. In addition to these research contributions, she plans to develop an imitation learning and reinforcement learning tutorial that combines MATLAB’s complex models for aerial vehicles and data collected from real-world experiments. She envisions that these complex simulations will include both extremely realistic visual simulations as well as their extended reality components—all built on the existing complex modeling paradigms and sophisticated simulation models that already exist in the MATLAB environment. Through her cutting-edge work, Andrea could develop algorithms that are as good as humans or even surpass our capabilities.



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