We welcome the support of our alumni and friends. Please visit the following link if you are considering a gift to the MIT School of Engineering:
If you have questions or would like additional information, you may contact Heather Kispert Hagerty.
School-wide Priorities
Deanship provides the MIT School of Engineering’s leader with unrestricted funds to set the pace of engineering at MIT and beyond, both for today and tomorrow.
Professorships are the single best tool for honoring distinguished faculty and tapping the full potential of rising stars. To recognize extraordinary contributions to teaching, research, and the life of the Institute, we must establish more endowed chairs in the various departments of the MIT School of Engineering.
Graduate fellowships provide students the freedom of intellectual curiosity and the opportunity to find the advisor that best matches their needs. Fellowships are essential to ensuring that the MIT School of Engineering can retain its edge in attracting the most talented, innovative, and diverse students
Start-up funds help launch the academic careers of world-class scholars who choose to make the MIT School of Engineering their home. When we provide new faculty the resources to renovate labs, purchase equipment, recruit graduate students, and hire postdocs, we set the conditions for mind-blowing discoveries, innovative solutions, and unparalleled education.
Featured Initiatives
Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation bridges the gap between academia and industry. The Deshpande Center provides funding to leading-edge research projects and connects grant recipients to seasoned entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who help them explore markets, commercialize innovations, and launch startups.
New Engineering Education Transformation is a cross-departmental program with a focus on integrative, project-centric learning. Available to sophomores, juniors, and seniors across the Institute, the program is built entirely around the machines, materials, and systems driving modern industry.
Graduate Program in Engineering Leadership develops in our engineers the leadership capabilities needed to influence and to execute in today’s complex organizational structures. Through experiential learning, the program helps our graduate engineering students transform themselves into technical leaders.
MIT Introduction to Technology, Engineering, and Science provides historically underrepresented and underserved middle- and high-school students a taste of MIT’s rigorous curriculum and campus life through one local and two national programs—all free of charge.
Sandbox Innovation Fund Program connects qualified students with tailored educational experiences, mentoring, and up to $25,000 in seed money to help them nurture their ideas and creativity.