The MIT School of Engineering’s mission is to educate the next generation of engineering leaders, to create new knowledge, and to serve society.

Video Spotlight

MIT Faculty Founders Initiative Supports Biotech Entrepreneurs

Twelve researchers participated in the 2023-24 MIT-Royalty Pharma Prize Competition, designed to support female biotech pioneers. The competition is part of the MIT Faculty Founder Initiative, which was launched in 2020 by the MIT School of Engineering and the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship.

Engineering In Action

  • School of Engineering funds $1.2 million for tools and research equipment

    School of Engineering funds $1.2 million for tools and research equipment

    In the fall of 2024, the School of Engineering Dean’s Office, with support from the Engineering Council, funded $1.2 million for a new Research Tool and Equipment Support Seed Grant. In the program’s pilot year, sixteen proposals were awarded up to $100K in support of physical research equipment. The funds covered (but were not limited […]
  • Using spatial learning to transform math and science education

    Using spatial learning to transform math and science education

    Legend has it that Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell on his head, sparking a bout of scientific thinking that led to the theory of gravity. It’s one of the most famous stories in science, perhaps because it shows the power of simple human experiences to revolutionize our understanding of […]
  • Romancing the stone: DMSE researchers crack magnetic garnet mystery

    Romancing the stone: DMSE researchers crack magnetic garnet mystery

    Five years ago, what began as three nervous Norwegians spotting each other across a study room has evolved into a drone company enabling sustainable deliveries, elder care, and more against a backdrop of unforgiving conditions.
  • Flying high to enable sustainable delivery, remote care

    Flying high to enable sustainable delivery, remote care

    Five years ago, what began as three nervous Norwegians spotting each other across a study room has evolved into a drone company enabling sustainable deliveries, elder care, and more against a backdrop of unforgiving conditions.
  • Pioneering the future of materials extraction

    Pioneering the future of materials extraction

    The next time you cook pasta, imagine that you are cooking spaghetti, rigatoni, and seven other varieties all together, and they need to be separated onto 10 different plates before serving. A colander can remove the water — but you still have a mound of unsorted noodles.


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