
Faez Ahmed

Faez Ahmed joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering as an assistant professor in July 2020. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2019. His interests are in studying principled methods for representation, learning, and optimization of discrete problems occurring in design. Faez works at the intersection of Machine Learning, Engineering Design, and Human-Computer Interaction to enable globally distributed teams of designers to participate in the design process. Prior to his Ph.D., he worked as a Reliability Engineer for Rio Tinto in Western Australia. He was a Future Faculty Fellow at the University of Maryland and recipient of the Kulkarni Fellowship. He is also the lead organizer of ACM New York and has ongoing collaborations with other non-profits to educate the local community about computing and data science. He is a former Postdoctoral Fellow at the IDEAL Lab at Northwestern University.



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