Pioneering the future of materials extraction
MIT spinout SiTration looks to disrupt industries with a revolutionary process for recovering and extracting critical materials.
Implantable microphone could lead to fully internal cochlear implants
This tiny, biocompatible sensor may overcome one of the biggest hurdles that prevent the devices from being completely implanted.
The tenured engineers of 2024
Eleven faculty members have been granted tenure in six units across MIT’s School of Engineering.
Detachable cardiac pacing lead may improve safety for cardiac patients
The minimally invasive, 3d-printable device offers safer application and removal, along with improved bioelectronic performance.
From group stretches to “Hitting Roman,” MIT Motorsports traditions live on
The Chan siblings reflect on their Motorsports experience, eight years apart.
Study reveals why AI models that analyze medical images can be biased
These models, which can predict a patient’s race, gender, and age, seem to use those traits as shortcuts when making medical diagnoses.
Leaning into the immune system’s complexity
By designing new tools that can analyze huge libraries of immune cells and their targets, Michael Birnbaum hopes to generate better T cell therapies for cancer and other diseases.
Scientists use computational modeling to guide a difficult chemical synthesis
Using this new approach, researchers could develop drug compounds with unique pharmaceutical properties.
Two MIT films nominated for New England Emmy Awards
Films produced by MIT Video Productions and the Department of Mechanical Engineering highlight some of MIT’s global conversations about the environment and climate change.
Wireless receiver blocks interference for better mobile device performance
This novel circuit architecture cancels out unwanted signals at the earliest opportunity.