Artificial intelligence model detects asymptomatic Covid-19 infections through cellphone-recorded coughs
Results might provide a convenient screening tool for people who may not suspect they are infected.
AI Cures: data-driven clinical solutions for Covid-19
MIT conference illustrates technologies developed in response to the pandemic and new opportunities for AI solutions for clinical management.
Leveraging a 3D printer “defect” to create a new quasi-textile
Tulle-like DefeXtiles can be 3D printed with no custom software or hardware.
Emery Brown wins Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
Award cites major contributions to statistical analysis of brain activity and advancing the neuroscience of anesthesia.
Tyler Jacks, founding director of MIT’s Koch Institute, to step down
A search committee chaired by Institute Professor Phillip Sharp will work to identify a new director for MIT’s pioneering cancer research center.
Silencing gene expression to cure complex diseases
Immuneering uses bioinformatics to develop new medicines while also helping large pharmaceutical companies improve their treatments.
Universities should lead the way on climate action, MIT panelists say
An online symposium explores roles for research universities and outlines the Institute’s efforts to be a testbed for research and policy innovations.
“What to Expect When You’re Expecting Robots”
Book co-authored by Associate Professor Julie Shah and Laura Major SM ’05 explores a future populated with robot helpers.
Forging ahead with care and compassion
MIT professors adapt advising to pandemic context.
Learning by doing, remotely
Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, MIT students have carved out meaningful hands-on experiences.