Polina AnikeevaHead, Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Ford Professor of Engineering; Matoula S. Salapatas Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Hamsa BalakrishnanAssociate Dean; William E. Leonhard (1940) Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Karl BerggrenFaculty Head, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Joseph F. and Nancy P. Keithley Professor of Electrical Engineering
Anantha Chandrakasan Dean, MIT School of Engineering; MIT Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer; Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Benoit ForgetHead, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering; Korea Electric Power Professor of Nuclear Engineering
John HartHead, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ali JadbabaieHead, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; JR East Professor
Samuel MaddenFaculty Head, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Distinguished College of Computing Professor
Asu OzdaglarHead, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; MathWorks Professor
Kristala PratherHead, Department of Chemical Engineering; Arthur Dehon Little Professor
Themistoklis SapsisInterim Associate Department Head for Research, Department of Mechanical Engineering; William I. Koch Professor
Julie ShahHead, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics; H.N. Slater Professor in Aeronautics and Astronautics
Alex K. ShalekDirector, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science; J. W. Kieckhefer Professor
Antonio TorralbaFaculty Head, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Thomas and Gerd Perkins Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Christopher VoigtHead, Department of Biological Engineering; Daniel I.C. Wang Professor of Biological Engineering
Maria YangDeputy Dean; Kendall Rohsenow Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering