At MIT, we turn off our “no” switch.
We have a “yes, and …” culture, where students and faculty embrace the unknown, dream beyond what is realistic, and run headlong at a challenge.
Sitting at the epicenter of research and innovation, and surrounded by some of the world’s leading hospitals and biotechnology companies, each day we passionately push the limits of science and engineering.
This is the kind of place that doesn’t just talk about “moon shots,” but helped accomplish the real thing.
Centers, Institutes, Programs, and Laboratories
- Aerospace Computational Design Lab
- Aerospace Controls Laboratory
- Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
- Center for Biomedical Engineering
- Center for Environmental Health Sciences
- Center for Gynepathology Research
- Center for Microbiome Informatics and Therapeutics
- Center for Neurobiological Engineering
- Center for Ocean Engineering
- Center for Transportation and Logistics
- Communications and Networking Research Group
- Computational and Systems Biology Initiative
- Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation
- DiaMonD Center
- Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems
- Gas Turbine Laboratory
- Glass Lab
- Hatsopoulos Microfluids Laboratory
- Industrial Performance Center
- Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies
- International Center for Air Transportation
- Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment
- Human Systems Laboratory
- Materials Research Laboratory
- Merton C. Flemings Materials Processing Laboratory
- Microsystems Technology Laboratories
- MIT AI Hardware Program
- MIT and Accenture Convergence Initiative for Industry and Technology
- MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium
- MIT-IBM Watson AI Laboratory
- MIT Takeda-Program
- Process Systems Engineering Laboratory
- Robust Robotics Group
- Rohsenow Kendall Heat Transfer Laboratory
- Sloan Automotive Laboratory
- Solid-State Solar Thermal Energy Conversion Center
- Space Propulsion Laboratory
- Space Systems Laboratory
- Space Telecommunications, Astronomy and Radiation Laboratory
- Synthetic Biology Center
- System Architecture Lab
- System Engineering Research Lab
- Systems Engineering Advancement Research Initiative
- Transportation@MIT
- Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel