Facts and Figures

MIT has a thing for data. We just love it.

The details are below, but in broad strokes: The MIT School of Engineering is home to eight academic departments, two institutes — and a HUGE collection of research laboratories, centers, co- and extracurricular programs, professional and interdepartmental education initiatives, and more.

Roughly half of all MIT students are enrolled in an engineering degree program. About a third of the Institute’s faculty are in the School, and their research accounts for 54 percent of MIT’s total annual sponsored projects.

Faculty 2023
Full Professors 268
Associate Professors with Tenure 41
Associate Professors without Tenure 29
Assistant Professors 55
Degrees Awarded 2022-23
Bachelor of Science 797
Master’s Degree 816
Doctoral Degree 355
Undergraduate Major Enrollment 2023-24
Women 1,213
International Students 232
Total Students 2,475
Graduate Enrollment 2023-24
Women 1,250
International Students 1,250
Total Students 3,416
The MIT School of Engineering is generally ranked at the top of its field. U.S. News & World Report has given the top spot to MIT’s undergraduate engineering program since 1983. In the 2023 ranking of graduate programs, U.S. News placed aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering, chemical engineering, computer engineering, electrical/ electronic/communications engineering, materials engineering, and mechanical engineering in the number-one spot; also ranked were biomedical engineering/bioengineering (5), civil engineering (9), environmental/environmental health engineering (9), and nuclear engineering (2). Our programs also ranked highly in most international university rankings.
Financial Support
The MIT School of Engineering draws on a variety of agencies, foundations, and industries to provide financial support for its academic and research initiatives. The total volume of research expenditures in 2023 was $444 million.


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