June 2019

Dear members of the MIT community,

MIT students graduate from different departments, and will go on to change the world in different ways, but they all have one thing in common at graduation: their smiles.

The day was marked by sunshine and speeches on Killian Court, the pomp and circumstance of regalia, and a theme: Making the world a better place. MIT President L. Rafael Reif told the graduates: “I want to ask you to hack the world — until you make the world a little more like MIT: More daring and more passionate. More rigorous, inventive, and ambitious. More humble, more respectful, more generous, more kind.”

This Infinite is filled with stories of MIT problem solvers. Meet the winners of the MIT $100K who are developing a device to increase production, reduce equipment failures, and cut methane emissions in oil wells. Read about a startup that is bringing the benefits of 3-D printing to a slew of new products. Watch a video featuring a faculty member who is finding ways to solve environmental problems of the past — and prevent those of the future.

There is no shortage of problem-solvers at MIT, and this year’s cohort of seventeen newly tenured faculty in the School of Engineering are notable examples. They have shown exceptional dedication to research and teaching, and their innovative work has greatly advanced their fields.

Faculty and students from the School of Engineering transform society for the better. Our shared vision and our goals as a community stem from a deep love for problem solving that has accelerated scientific discovery and the application of knowledge for the betterment of humankind. This Infinite celebrates our community of problem solvers.


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Anantha P. Chandrakasan

Dean, MIT School of Engineering

Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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Point of inception

Creating sustainability-oriented innovations from the start.

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Solution for remotely monitoring oil wells wins MIT $100K

MIT startup Acoustic Wells earned the grand prize at the annual entrepreneurship competition.

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Printing's new frontiers

MIT startup Inkbit is overcoming traditional constraints to 3-D printing by giving its machines “eyes and brains.”

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From micro to macro

Insights on the formation of particle networks hold potential for engineering new and improved materials.

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The tenured engineers of 2019

Seventeen appointments have been made in eight departments within the School of Engineering.

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Pantry ingredients can help grow carbon nanotubes

Study finds baking soda, detergent, and table salt — all rich in sodium — are effective catalysts.

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Helping to foster lifelong learning and bonding at MIT

A growing number of MIT alumni have taken part in knowledge enhancement programs through MIT Professional Education, as both students and facilitators.